Friday, April 22, 2011

I stand corrected on the last post.

Despite statements to the contrary by Commander In Chief Obama earlier, the Secretary of State Hillory Clinton today stated that United States Armed Forces were still carrying out 25% of the air strikes in Lybia, supporting the Anti-Kaddafi rebels. Guess that means that we're still killing Kaddafi civilians in the attacks on Tripoli? She also stated that American forces were now using at least two predator missile drones in support of that mission. How heroic! Shades of Pakistan and Mexico.
Tell me again, when does the War Powers Act come into play? When will our Congress and Senate have to vote to approve this undeclared war?
Isn't it time to remove the President's right to declare war on anyone without the approval of the Senate or the House of Representatives. Ronald Regan's, both George Bushes's, and Barack Obama's undeclared wars are all the justification one should need. Maybe it is time to ask the American people. Novel idea.

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